Ordinances and Policies
Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge Ordinance (amended 2020)
Hazardous Materials Ordinance (approved July 23, 2018)
Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance - for speed limits (amended October 4, 2022)
Speed Limit Map, December, 2022
Nuisance Animal Ordinance, 1996
Sole Source and Preferred Vendor List (updated December 5, 2022)
Sewer Allocation Ordinance - West Charlotte Village (approved January 6, 2020)
Sewer Use Ordinance - West Charlotte Village (approved January 6, 2020)
Street Naming and Addressing Ordinance, 1996
Thompson's Point Wastewater Disposal System Ordinance (amended October 8, 2018)
Schedule A for Thompson's Point Wastewater Disposal System Ordinance
Hazardous Materials Ordinance (approved July 23, 2018)
Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance - for speed limits (amended October 4, 2022)
Speed Limit Map, December, 2022
Nuisance Animal Ordinance, 1996
Sole Source and Preferred Vendor List (updated December 5, 2022)
Sewer Allocation Ordinance - West Charlotte Village (approved January 6, 2020)
Sewer Use Ordinance - West Charlotte Village (approved January 6, 2020)
Street Naming and Addressing Ordinance, 1996
Thompson's Point Wastewater Disposal System Ordinance (amended October 8, 2018)
Schedule A for Thompson's Point Wastewater Disposal System Ordinance
Compensation Administration Policy (amended June 13, 2022)
Conflict of Interest Policy
Fraud and Deceitful Acts Policy
Fund Balance Policy, September 2015
Highway Access Permit Policy and Procedure (amended January 13, 2020)
Internal Controls Policy & Manual
Personnel Policies (revised December 18, 2017)
Purchasing Policy (amended June 26, 2017)
Road & Driveway Standards, 1997
Thompson's Point Leaseholder Guidelines (amended October 8, 2018)
Waste Management at Town Facilities Policy
Workplace Policies and Harassment Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Fraud and Deceitful Acts Policy
Fund Balance Policy, September 2015
Highway Access Permit Policy and Procedure (amended January 13, 2020)
Internal Controls Policy & Manual
Personnel Policies (revised December 18, 2017)
Purchasing Policy (amended June 26, 2017)
Road & Driveway Standards, 1997
Thompson's Point Leaseholder Guidelines (amended October 8, 2018)
Waste Management at Town Facilities Policy
Workplace Policies and Harassment Policy